2018 - October - OWL


Owl in Victoria Park

glory casts long shadows on the grass
here and there a touch of hail
behind the trees are yellow cranes
October In Victoria Park
herons scrunched up on the island,
the gull wing bridge to Bombardiers
reflected in the water - makes a giant clam
and swans - their legs outsplayed for landing
sun bouncing whitely off umbrella wings
a leaf falls … slowly … diagonally across the path
the chain link meshes of the netball courts
stretch outward to the undergrowth
marking out long diamonds -
Everything’s Diagonal Today !
and lit inside ,
canary , salmon , amethyst -
unlikely , unbelievable and amber
the sky is cerulean blue
becoming purple overhead
one wispy cloud - shaped like a skull -
that's scrawled across the empty sky
dissolves into three letters

     O W L 

Anita Greg October 2018
